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About Sandie

Profile Pic Sandie Campanella

Sandie Campanella

Sandra “Sandie” Campanella began her law enforcement career in 2003 at the Longmont Police Department (Colorado). She spent time as a patrol officer, school resource officer and ultimately, ten years as a detective in the Domestic Violence (DV) Unit (2010-2020). She became a DV Investigator for the Boulder County District Attorney’s Office in 2020 and helped create the Domestic Violence Acute Response Team (DVART) where she worked until her retirement from law enforcement in June 2024.

Sandie was selected in 2011 for the Beth Haynes Award, an honor bestowed by the Boulder County DV Task Force for officers who demonstrate a clear knowledge of DV. In 2019, she received the Beth Haynes Special Recognition Award for exceptional service to victims. Longmont PD honored her in 2020 with the Lifesaving Award for her work in DV and dedication to victims.

Sandie testifies as an expert witness in DV trials and is an instructor with the Ending Violence Against Women project. Sandie lectures and trains DV throughout the Metro area and teaches the DV section for the Law Enforcement Basic Academy. She serves on the Domestic Violence Offender Management Board, Colorado Domestic Violence Fatality Review Board and DVOMB Application Review Committee.

Prior to her law enforcement career, Sandie served in Military Intelligence in the US Army and earned a Master of Arts degree in History with a focus on Women’s History.

Sandie is passionate about the fight against domestic violence and assisting victims and survivors with reclaiming their lives. In fact, she frequently states, “All DV. All day.”