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Expert Witness

Throughout her twenty-one-year law enforcement career, including fourteen years in domestic violence-specific assignments, Sandie Campanella has reviewed, advised on, followed up on or initiated original investigations with approximately 11,000 domestic violence cases. She has extensive courtroom testimony experience and as the case agent in her investigations, Sandie testified in countless pre-trial hearings. Additionally, Sandie frequently served as the prosecution advisory witness during trial proceedings and assisted with trial preparation, jury selection and other trial proceedings.

Sandie began testifying as a generalized “blind” expert in domestic violence trials in 2015. She effectively educates juries on domestic violence dynamics, the cycle of violence, victim reluctance to participate in the prosecution process, why victims may recant, delay reports, or go back to or stay in abusive relationships and consequences victims may face for decisions they make. She describes stalking dynamics and counterintuitive victim behaviors specifically unique to those situations.

Sandie understands the complexities that arise when victims are involved with the criminal court system or domestic relations (family) court systems – or both simultaneously – and how those dynamics apply in both arenas. Sandie also comprehends that many victims/survivors of domestic violence may not be involved in the criminal justice process but have a critical stake in civil court/domestic relations outcomes. Therefore, she is aware of the vital need for expert testimony to ensure judicial officers and juries comprehend the subtle nuances of domestic violence and how those dynamics influence victim responses throughout criminal and/or civil processes.